The Best Day Ever lived up to its name

The Best Day Ever lived up to its name

It started out as just a glimmer of an idea — small acts of kindness could create a ripple that travels across communities. That glimmer of an idea was embraced by local banks and credit unions and turned into a full-blown movement. And that ripple turned into a kindness tsunami that touched millions of lives. Pretty freaking cool. 

The goal of inspiring (and tracking) 100,000 acts of kindness was not only reached, it was blown away. People across the country were pouring out kindness and clicking the kindness tracker at And the acts even continued through the weekend with the total number surpassing 310,000 acts of kindness.  

Over 100 community financial institutions joined in on the movement, creating unique events to engage and give back to their communities. Events included: 

  • Handing out money envelopes and words of encouragement to random folks.

  • Providing free coffee and cards with an encouraging message at a local coffee shop.

  • Creating a “kindness vending machine” for high schools.

  • Providing Thanksgiving meal bundles for those in need.

  • Leaving painted rocks around the community that can be redeemed for gift cards.

  • Stocking Care Closets for students in need.

  • And so much more… 

This short video captures the excitement and joy of the day. 


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The word went out far and wide. 

The Best Day Ever created a massive buzz, reaching millions through a powerful social media and PR strategy. Local institutions and their Best Day Ever events were talked about on hundreds of local and national media outlets, hitting media in every participating market. 

  • 40 TV and radio interviews with mentions of 75 participating institutions in the markets where they aired locall?

  • 1,542 airings on local stations, reaching a total audience of 71,014,196?

  • 2 national press releases picked up by 565 local and national media outlets, bringing awareness to a total audience of 328,000,000? 

By partnering with an influencer who shares our brand values and has a strong social following, we were able to grow the movement even more. Charlie Rocket highlighted our mission, all the local events, and the growing wave of kindness with:? 

  • 712,550 views on Instagram on the Best Day Ever (Nov 3)*?

  • 103,700 more views on Instagram?during the Best Weekend Ever (Nov 4-5)*

*Performance to date. Note numbers are continuing to climb.  

Changing communities. Changing lives. 

Many partner institutions saw the Best Day Ever as an opportunity to go big for their communities. Like Williamstown Bank, who donated more than $7,000 to local non-profits. Or Silver Lake Bank, who made a huge donation to the Topeka Zoo.  

Other institutions went for a more personal impact. Zia Credit Union partnered with Kasasa to surprise one member and her family of eight with a weekend getaway. First Federal Credit Union gave away money envelopes totaling $18,000. HorizonsNorth Credit Union put together a very successful winter clothing drive. And the list goes on and on. 

The best of the Best Day Ever. 

Everybody who participated deserves a huge round of applause for their effort, commitment, and heart. That being said, there were a number of institutions and people who went the extra mile. We’d like to acknowledge them with our first-ever Best Day Ever Awards. 

Elevate: Going Above and Beyond Award 

This award acknowledges the financial institution that significantly improved the life of a deserving recipient through an exceptional event. Congratulations to: 

Zia Credit Union 

They surprised one of their members (along with her family of eight) with a voucher for a weekend trip to Albuquerque, including lodging, meals out, and a trip to the zoo for their youngest son’s 5th birthday. 

Power of Love Awards 

This award pays tribute to the most poignant and impactful stories that inspired and moved us, touching our hearts and prompting us to take action.?Congratulations to the following: 

Farmers and Merchants Bank 

In addition to visits, smoothie trucks, gifts to schools, gas stations, and laundry mats, they recognized a woman who goes out?and cleans up the community just out of the kindness of her heart.?They presented her with a rolling trash can and a restaurant gift?card.?  

Community Credit Union 

With the mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine just days before, they rallied together and?pivoted Best Day Ever to be an event to heal their community. They put up?remembrance ribbons, partnered with Feeding the First and Love?Lewiston, passed out their special cards with cash, and even helped?with a bulk trash?pickup?in a low-income neighborhood.? 

The Bank of Tescott 

They gave their employees red envelopes?with a $2 bill included to give to people in their communities.?Two of their branches delivered cookies, notes of encouragement, and high-fives to the children in their schools. But, even bigger, they teamed up with other local organizations to visit every registered?daycare center in the city and 40 in-home providers to give them gift baskets and $40 in each?envelope, respectively. The $40 is significant because it is the difference between?the average wage and living wage per day of someone in the?childcare profession. The Salina area has a childcare provider crisis that the?United Way has been bringing to light, but the Bank of Tescott and their community partners stepped up to amplify the call, in the hopes of activating a grassroots, community-driven effort to solve their childcare provider crisis. 

Frankenmuth Credit Union 

They visited 23 local high schools and provided leadership?with $150 each to hand out as they saw fit to students in need. It?could cover lunch accounts, graduation cap rentals, school dance?tickets, or any other need the students had — and could be divided up?to meet as many needs as they could. They received such warm,?grateful feedback from these thoughtful acts of kindness.? 

Patch Perfect Awards 

This award acknowledges those institutions in each region whose events embodied Kasasa’s Patch values of Interdependence, Love, Empowered Ownership, Badassitude, and Elevate.?Congratulations to the following:  

First Robinson Savings Bank (Midwest) 

They used?Interdependence to partner with the mayor and other local?organizations to revitalize Pride Corner — the entry point to their city.?They had a ribbon cutting, took down old, rundown?signage, and had bulldozers out to complete demolition (i.e.?Badassitude) — not an easy, one-day endeavor. They took?on a hard but rewarding task that will benefit their community,?showing so much love.? 

Fairmont Federal Credit Union (Northeast) 

They connected with six Partners in Education (local elementary?schools) to stock items for their Care Closets. These Closets supply?students in need with clothes, shoes, food, personal hygiene?products, and more. They were also able to present the PTO of one?Partner in Education with an $800 check supporting their fundraising?efforts — and they spread kindness throughout their communities by?handing out their envelopes with special prizes. In all, this?totaled?over 500 acts of kindness. 

FICare Federal Credit Union (Southeast) 

They partnered with Bread of the Mighty and Feeding Tampa Bay on a?food drive that culminated on the Best Day Ever. Donning their blue capes, they?went out into the community and local healthcare facilities to spread?kindness, then ended the day by delivering?all of?the food donations?collected.?? 

Silver Lake Bank (South Central) 

They took the initiative to heart in big and small ways, starting by performing acts of kindness as they witnessed individuals doing kind acts in their daily lives, like opening the door for others. They also decided they should?go big and do something that really benefits the whole community, donating almost $8,000 to the Topeka Zoo to enrich their?community through animal care, wildlife conservation, and?education. 

Park Side Financial Credit Union (Northwest) 

They thought BIG to make sure their event was seen and could?make a difference, recruiting the University of Montana?Grizzlies mascot and Miss Montana to help them with the Best Day Ever.?They volunteered at multiple nonprofits throughout the day,?including the Missoula Food Bank & Community Center and Land to?Hand. They also delivered donuts, juice, their special envelopes, and huge?buckets of goodies along the way — ensuring all the volunteers and?employees experienced the kindness as well. 

Community Impact Awards 

This award is presented to institutions that effectively mobilized their community for the event or contributed significantly to the community's positive development. Congratulations to the following: 

German American State Bank 

They took on the?Pecatonia?Park District for?all of?the community to?benefit. They did a?clean-up?within a community space, wiping down?all the chairs and tables and clearing branches, raking leaves,?and other outdoor park areas. They even installed defibrillators on site, in case of emergencies.? 

HorizonsNorth Credit Union 

They were certainly ambitious. Before we even got to the Best Day Ever, they held?a clothing drive for local school resource closets and a food drive for?Food for Hope. They started the day by thanking members and the?community with their envelopes, then completed surprise drop-offs?from their clothing and food drives — also thanking the people who?serve these non-profits. They ended their day by thanking their local?police department for protecting them.? 

Heritage Community Credit Union 

They partnered with Friends of Folsom on the annual Turkey Drive at?the Folsom?Amphitheater. They also handed out their envelopes to spread?kindness and inspired others to spread additional kindness by?including cash in them.?Finally,?they provided items in the silent?auction (which they secretly included cash in) to surprise those?winners — one even got $500! 

Best Financial Credit Union 

They gave 20,000 “You Matter” pencils to local students,?stocked candy bowls in school offices,?and handed out granola bars?to parents in pick up lines — ensuring all involved in education were?appreciated. Plus, employees were given gas?gift cards?to hand out as they were out and about that day.? 

Keep It Local Awards 

This award acknowledges the institution that maximized the impact of Best Day Ever through multiple partnerships with local businesses and non-profits.?Congratulations to the following: 

Community Star Credit Union 

They collected food to provide 90 full Thanksgiving meals to families?who receive assistance from the Mercy Resource Mothers program.?They even partnered with local grocery store Apples Market, to?provide vouchers for turkeys. They delivered?all?their donations?on November 3rd?to the program, so they will have time to distribute?to all 90 families. Our torchbearer wore an adorable turkey costume?as they went around town on the local trolley over to the program,?spreading love and laughter along the way. 

Mt. McKinley Bank 

They partnered with nine local organizations to hand out 300?envelopes with $5 cash in each one! These organizations serve?homeless youth and adults, battered families,?seniors, and those with food insecurity. They also completed an in-branch promotion to celebrate their customers. All five branches participated in handing out a total of 1,400 envelopes. These envelopes?had an inspirational message and many of them had cash for a total?in-branch cash spend of $750.

Pathfinder Bank 

They teamed up with the local Humane Society for a food drive?and provided a monetary donation as well. The Mexico branch?decided to organize their first bottle and can drive.?All of?their efforts?helped them raise $500, which they split between the Mexico?Food Pantry and Operation Reindeer.? 

NorthCountry Federal Credit Union 

They chose to surprise and delight customers at six locations in their?area. Employees first handed out their cards to patrons. When they?went to the register, they learned that their lunch tab was covered.?As they left, if they answered questions on camera or had their photo taken, they got a new branded lunch bag.  

Creativity Awards 

This award celebrates the institution that embraced unconventional thinking to create an engaging and impactful event, demonstrating creativity and innovation.?Congratulations to the following: 

Farmers State Bank of Alto Pass 

They set up a “kindness vending machine“ at local high schools, which gave out?all sorts of goodies to students — from bank swag to large cash prizes. It even encouraged students to pay it forward and give to those who need?it most.? 

Jolt Credit Union 

They painted Jolt CU-themed rocks and hid them around town, hinting?on social media where to find them. If people brought a rock in,?they got?$10?and a $10 donation was given to the local food bank.?They ended up sending $1,000 to the food bank. 

Meritus Credit Union 

They?partnered with the local Boys and Girls Club to do a surprise?pop-up bubble party for the kids, who got to enjoy bubbles, treats,?and activities. In addition, they were able to fulfill everything on the?kids’?wish list, including game tables, games, and supplies. 

PR Star Awards 

This award honors those who excel in fostering a positive institutional image through exceptional local engagement and networking. Congratulations to the following: 

Bank of Tescott 

They were able to get multiple stories on the local news, a 25-minute radio interview, and front-page articles touting the event and their efforts. They even hired a camera crew to capture footage. 

Whitesville State Bank 

Each of their five branches participated in a unique way to best address the needs of their local community. They were highlighted in a local CBS news segment, participated in an interview with a local reporter, and had three articles published in local media outlets.  

Social Star Awards 

This award recognizes an exceptional Social Media Star for their outstanding contributions to the Best Day Ever initiative, exhibiting an unparalleled ability to spread positivity and engagement across their social platforms. Congratulations to the following: 

First Financial Credit Union 

They used Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and LinkedIn to share both static and video assets leading up to the event. On the day of the event, they posted tons of pictures of people, shared fun DMs, and replied to comments — creating a two-way conversation with consumers. 

First Savings Bank 

They used Instagram and Facebook to promote a contest where people could like, comment, or share posts promoting the Best Day Ever to receive entry. Drawings were shared live throughout the day announcing winners, who were filmed coming in to receive prizes ranging between $100 and $1,000. This turned their entire event into a social event that engaged account holders and non-account holders alike. 

Flagbearer Award 

This award honors an exceptional individual who consistently demonstrates initiative, leadership, and a strong commitment to the cause, epitomizing a true team player. Congratulations to the following: 

Latrice Brewster from HorizonsNorth Credit Union 

She attended all virtual planning sessions (on camera), asked tough questions, gave excellent feedback, participated in calls and on chat, encouraged others, created an event that met many needs, got employees involved and invested, and most importantly, made a real impact on her community through her leadership and passion. 

Thank you to all who put in countless hours, sweat, and pure will to make a difference for your community, your institution, and the kindness movement. You are heroes. 

A success in every way. 

We’re incredibly honored and frankly awed at how so many of our partners not only embraced the Best Day Ever, but took it to a whole new level. The local and national impact was extraordinary — just think what else we can create together.  

We. Can’t. Wait.

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