9 Ways to raise last-minute cash for college

9 Ways to raise last-minute cash for college

It's no secret that college is an expensive place to be, and prospective students are always worried about being able to afford it. If you're concerned about not having enough cash, don't fret. There are plenty of ways you can raise some money before you head to college. Here are nine ways you can raise some fast cash to save for this coming semester.

9 Ways to raise last-minute cash for college

1. Clean out your closets for cash


Everyone has one closet or cupboard full of stuff they never even look at anymore. Start digging through yours, and look for any items you don’t need or use. It's easy to sell your unwanted items online, and it's amazing how much money you can make from them. As an added bonus, you'll have a clean room before you move away, too.

2. Take advantage of bank incentives


Heading off to college may mean it’s time to switch banks. This can be a great time to upgrade your finances. Kasasa checking accounts are completely free and offer monthly ATM reimbursements, cash back, interest, or Google/iTunes downloads just for swiping your debit card, taking an e-statement, or enrolling in direct deposit.*


You may find other student bank accounts that offer cash bonuses for signing up. Be sure to read the fine print and look to see what monthly fees you may be charged. You don’t want to be paying that bonus back in monthly fees.


3. Sell all your gift cards


While you're cleaning out your room, dig out those gift cards that you never used. You may have thought of them as useless at the time, but there are many websites out there that will buy those gift cards from you for cash.


Here are a few of the most popular sites:



4. Work online for cash


There are plenty of ways to work online if you have a bit of know-how. For example, if you're a good tutor, you can lend your services to others on websites like Coursework Service and Essayroo.


Have a knack for writing and editing resumes? Check out Resume Writing Service.

Finally, if you're a good editor, find yourself work on services like State Of Writing and Write My Paper.


5. Apply for scholarships


You may think it's too late, but in fact, there are plenty of scholarships you can still apply for now. Take a look on scholarship sites and look at what's available for you. It’s possible you could snag a good amount of cash for college expenses (or fun) this way.


6. Sell your photography


If you've got skills with a camera, you can sell your photographs online. There are always sites that need your photos for their posts. You can make a decent amount of cash by selling them as stock photos.


7. Participate in lab studies


If you're free over the holidays before school starts, why not take part in medical studies? They usually pay well and are safe to take part in. You need to be in good health and have the time to head into labs to be tested, but if you have the time, it's an alternative way to earn extra cash for college.


8. Take part in online surveys


“If you have a few minutes every day, you can take part in market research online,” says college expert Isabelle Rogers from College Paper Writing Service. “These surveys can ask you for your opinion on anything, from adverts to your favorite type of washing powder.


This is a very popular method of making money with many students. They can do it in their free time, and it doesn't take them very long.”


9. Become a delivery driver


If you have a car and a smartphone, you can become a delivery driver. Thanks to the rise of delivery apps, you can get paid to deliver groceries all over your neighborhood with DoorDash or InstaCart.  Depending on your class schedule, you might prefer delivery restaurant food in the evenings, or driving services on the weekends.


These nine tips can help you make a tidy amount of cash for college before you go, or even during school breaks. Take advantage of the money-making opportunities now, before you're too busy with school.




This post was provided by Mary Walton. Mary Walton is a consultant at Dissertation Writing Service. She enjoys writing educational guides on her blog Simple Grad (Ultius review, for example). Being a supporter of frugal living she writes various articles on saving more money. Mary also works as a tutor at Australian Essay Help.


*Qualifications, limits and other requirements apply. See financial institution for details.

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