Our Social Media Comment Policy


Thanks for visiting the Kasasa community!


On all of our social media channels, we adhere to the Golden Rule. We appreciate and encourage participation in the comments section of our blog and other social networks, but want to be sure these sites are useful and positive places for all readers. Therefore, we reserve the right to remove inappropriate comments and block repeat offenders. We do not, however, edit comments.


By commenting on our blog, Facebook page, YouTube videos, or tagging us on Twitter, you are giving us your implied permission to reuse, republish, refer to and otherwise use your words in any format or medium in perpetuity.


Here are some things to keep in mind when posting a comment to any Kasasa social media page:


  1. Moderation: Our blog comments are moderated. We attempt to review and approve comments in a timely manner but please be patient if your comment does not post right away.
  2. Be kind: We are looking for comments on content or issues, not individuals, and look for constructive criticism over mudslinging or attacks.
  3. Be transparent: Be open and transparent. While we're not a fan of anonymous comments, we will allow them if they follow these guidelines as we understand there are some valid reasons for maintaining anonymity.
  4. Be truthful: We work hard to check our facts and tell you what we believe to be true. We ask that you do the same.
  5. Don't spam: If you use a comment to promote your company, service, or product, chances are we will remove the post unless it is relevant to the conversation and do so in a non-commercial fashion.
  6. Add value: While we know that value is in the eye of the beholder, we hope that you contribute comments in the spirit of elevating the conversation to higher levels of discourse and providing information useful to the community at large.
  7. Link appropriately: Please confine the links in your comments to appropriate, relevant sites.

We appreciate all participation in our social media channels that adheres to the rules above. Please also know that we will always be open to questions from members of the community. ??If you have any questions or concerns you do not wish to leave here, please contact us at [email protected].


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