Kasasa Loans Research | Kasasa

The loan that 9 out of 10 consumers prefer

*Based on 2017 Kasasa consumer study

The Kasasa Loan® meets borrowers' real needs.

Imagine a lending product that transforms how consumers interact with their loans. That's the Kasasa Loan, the only loan with take-backs. We built this product from the ground up, which required a lot of time and research to make sure it would be successful for our clients and deliver what consumers want from a lending product. And, it was totally worth it.

The Kasasa Loan is the only auto and personal loan that lets borrowers pay ahead to reduce debt, and access those extra funds if they need them (that’s why we call it a take-back loan). And it's exclusively available to community financial institutions. Watch our video below to see how we created the world's first take-back loan.

Borrowers want control and transparency from their loan.

Research revealed that Millennials, Gen Xers, and Baby Boomers have different borrowing behaviors, sentiments toward loans and lenders, and receptiveness to advertising messages. Below are a few other things they told us.

What borrowers want from their loan:

  • Control — To take charge of how much they pay and how soon they pay loans off.
  • Flexibility — The ability to get out of debt faster, and the flexibility to access what they overpaid in case of surprises.
  • Transparency — A better understanding of how paying ahead impacts their loan terms.

What consumers had to say about the Kasasa Loan:

Want to know more about the Kasasa Loan?

Check out a few more resources we found for you.

Get an overview of Kasasa Loans. Learn more

See our new loan’s unique features. Get a demo

Find the best borrowers from three generations. Read now